英文佛學辭彙-- 隨煩惱

(upakle/sa). The twenty secondary (or 'associated') afflictions as set forth in the Yoga^ca^rabhu^mi-/sa^stra 瑜伽師地論. Also called suihuo 隨惑.
In the Abhidharmako/sa-bha^sya 俱舍論, there are two meanings to this term, the first being the meaning of all afflictions. This entails regarding all afflictions as arising afterwards in relation to the mind. The second is the meaning of these defilements as "outside" the six primary afflictions 六煩惱, that is, as "branch" afflictions.
In the Abhidharmako/sa these are indolence 放逸, laziness 懈怠, no-faith 不信, depression 沈, flightiness 掉舉, no conscience 無慚, no-shame 無愧, wrath 忿, hypocrisy (concealing) 覆, stinginess 慳, jealousy 嫉 anxiety (worry) 惱, harm 害, enmity 恨, flattery 諂, deception 誑, haughtiness 憍, torpor 睡眠, and remorse 悔, totaling nineteen.
In the doctrine of the Yoga^ca^ra school 瑜伽行派, this term refers to the twenty secondary afflictions that are derived from the six fundamental afflictions i.e., the six primary defilements 六煩惱. In Yoga^ca^ra theory, these twenty are divided into three groups. The first group, containing the ten lesser afflictions includes anger 忿, enmity 恨, vexation 惱, concealing 覆, deceit 誑, flattery (or trickery) 諂, haughtiness 憍, harming 害, jealousy 嫉, and stinginess 慳. The group of middling secondary defilements includes no conscience 無慚, and no-shame 無愧, and the greater secondary afflictions include no-faith 不信 laziness 懈怠, indolence 放逸, depression 沈, flightiness 掉舉, forgetting 失念, incorrect knowledge 不正知, and scattering 散亂. 成唯識論T 1585.31.26c
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