
2014年10月2日 08:56 新浪博客
噶舉派的 「金剛瑜伽母」 其實並非金剛瑜伽母,在今日特別是西方人中間她被稱為金剛瑜伽母,然事實上她為 「金剛亥母」,藏文稱作「多傑帕嫫」,並非
【問】:您認為是什麼原因導致 「宗派」思想在西方盛行?
摘自 'Clear Mindnewsletter of Sakya Losal
Choe Dzong, Australia 11/12 2007#82'
漢譯:Yonas Ma
An Interview with Her Eminence Jetsun
topic posted Tue, December 18, 2007 - 5:54
AM by Unsubscribed Share/Save/Bookmark
- Your Eminence, this is the first time
that you have bestowed the 21 Taras in Australia. What advice do you have to us
as to how to incorporate Green Tara both as individual practitioners and at our
- My observation is that as a group you
have done pretty well, with regard to having this retreat centre and that you
have even bigger projects for the future. You are already doing Green Tara Puja
at the Centre every day and have made her the main deity of your group
practices. Goddess Tara is a goddess of enlightened activities. The fact that
you are doing this and that you keep doing this is very good and will be very
As individual practitioners, do the sadhana
for Goddess Tara every day, if possible. If you are not able to do this,
memorize the Praises to Tara in either tibetan or English and recite it at
least three times for activities that you do: visualizing Goddess Tara in the
space in front of you and yourself as an ordinary person. You can also recite
these prayers when walking or driving. Reciting praises to Green Tara has
enormous benefit.
- Your Eminence, who are your teachers? Did
you have a guru teacher relationship with His Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche?
- My teachers include my father: Ngakchang
Ngawang Kunga Rinchen, Dampa Rinpoche Zhenphen Nyingpo, Khangsar Shabdrung Ngawang
Lodro Nyinpo, Lama Ngaklo Rinpoche, His Holiness Sakya Trizin and His Eminence
Chogye Trichen Rinpoche. His eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche is one of the
main teachers of His Holiness Sakya Trizin. I myself have received teachings
from him and have great faith and deep respect for him. His Eminence has been
so kind in his activities to the Sakya tradition. Ever since I received Hevajra
Cause and Path empowerment from Chogye Rinpoche in 1988 in my home in
Vancouver, I have been able to keep my daily Hevajra practice. So His
Eminence's kindness to me is inexpressible. Also, because I have received the
White Tara empowerment from His Eminence, I'm blessed with good health and able
to serve the Dharma.
- All of our sister centres are under His
Eminence Chogye Trichen Rinpoche's Holy Umbrella. What is your advice for us
now that He has passed away?
- His Eminence has given teachings to all
the students, so it is important that all of you practice the teachings that he
has given. It is good to maintain the samayas and the vows as purely as one
Generally speaking, whether one's guru is
alive or whether one's guru has changed realms so to speak, from the side of
the guru there is no discrimination, the compassion of the guru is similar. The
guru is a bodhisattva and the bodhisattva's love and compassion has no
discrimination as to whether someone is close or far. From the side of the
disciple, whatever teachings and empowerments that you have received from the
guru, it is important that you maintain the practices as they will be of
enormous benefit.
Regarding your reference about the sister
centres - this is similar to having a sister as you have all received teachings
from the guru. It is important that you keep a good relationship with the other
Sakya centres as sisters also. Maintain pure samayas (pledges) and foster
connectedness, friendship, affinity and love between you.
- Your Eminence, many women are inspired by
you. You are a mother and a great practitioner. What advice do you have for us
about balancing the roles that we have?
- When I look at myself I do not think of
myself as if I have some sort of power or ability. Since I have been living in
the West, I have maintained my practices as well as having to work. Where my
practice is concerned, I have made samayas from my masters to do certain
practices so I have made the concession that I have to sleep less. I get up
early to do my practices and then I do my work. It is very important to be
decisive; when you are, then things get easier. If one's mind is not decisive,
then it becomes difficult. In the West as soon as people stand up they say they
are tired and this makes it difficult. Whatever I have to do, whether it is
working at home or looking after the kids or the cleaning and so on, I am decisive
because that is what I have decided to do. This helps.
(taken from the Clear Mind newsletter of
Sakya Losal Choe Dzong, Australia 11/12 2007 #82)
An Interview with Her Eminence Jetsun... -
Tibetan Buddhism - tribe.net - http://tibetanbuddhism.tribe.net/thread/957216de-0856-4296-bcfd-ee60450cd5ce
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