
(1).《如意寶藏論》The Wish Fulfilling Treasury (Tib. ཡིད་བཞིན་མཛོད་, Yishyin Dzö; Wyl. yid bzhin mdzod)
* Kennard Lipman, 'How the Samsāra is Fabricated from the Ground of Being' in Crystal Mirror V, pp. 340-350 (Chapter 1 only)
(2)《實相寶藏論》The Treasury of the Natural State (Tib. གནས་ལུགས་མཛོད་, Neluk Dzö; Wyl. gnas lugs mdzod)
* 郭元興
* Dowman, Keith, Old Man Basking In the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection, Vajra Publications, 2006
* Longchen Rabjam, The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 1998
(3)《宗派寶藏論》The Treasury of Philosophical Tenets (Tib. གྲུབ་མཐའ་མཛོད་, Drubta Dzö; Wyl. grub mtha' mdzod)
* Longchen Rabjam, Precious Treasury of Philosophical Systems, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2007
* Albion Moonlight Butters, The Doxographical Genius of Kun mkhyen kLong chen rab 'byams pa, Columbia University, 2006
(4)《勝乘寶藏論》The Treasury of the Supreme Vehicle (Tib. ཐེག་མཆོག་མཛོད་, Tekchok Dzö; Wyl. theg mchog mdzod)
* Franz-Karl Ehrhard, The Oldest Known Block Print of Klong-chen Rab-'byams-pa's Theg mchog mdzod: Facsimile Edition of Early Tibetan Block Prints, with an Introduction by Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Lumbini International Research Institute, Lumbini: 2000
(5)《句義寶藏論》,或作《詞義寶藏論》The Treasury of Word and Meaning (Tib. ཚིག་དོན་མཛོད་, Tsik Dön Dzö; Wyl. tshig don mdzod)
* 吉美袞桑滇貞
* David Germano, Poetic thought, the intelligent Universe, and the mystery of self: The Tantric synthesis of rDzogs Chen in fourteenth century Tibet (PhD dissertation), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992
* Tulku Thondup, The Practice of Dzogchen, Ithaca: Snow Lion, 1989, pp. 205-213, pp. 400-401 and pp. 413-420 (includes an abridged translation of chapter 11).
(6)《法界寶藏論》The Treasury of Dharmadhatu (Tib. ཆོས་དབྱིངས་མཛོད་, Chöying Dzö; Wyl. chos dbyings mdzod)
* Longchen Rabjam, Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
* Longchen Rabjam, A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission , translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
(7)《竅訣寶藏論》The Treasury of Pith Instructions (Tib. མན་ངག་མཛོད་, Mengak Dzö; Wyl. man ngag mdzod)
* 索達吉
* Longchen Rabjam, The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2006
Of the seven, the following have been translated into English:
· The Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, (Treasury of the Natural State), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing
· The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena, (Treasury of the Dharmadhatu), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
· A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission (autocommentary on Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2001
· The Precious Treasury of Philosophical Systems, translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2007
· The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions (Treasury of Secret Instructions), translated by Richard Barron, Padma Publishing, 2007
竅訣寶藏論釋 >>Q>>藏經樓>>佛教導航 - http://www.fjdh.com/Soft/HTML/Soft_20081011104539.html法界寶藏十三篇之八:菩提心不二篇 - 護戒如目 - 覺之路佛教博客 佛教導航社區 - Powered by X-Space - http://club.fjdh.com/4770/viewspace-132365.html
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2 Response to "[藏傳]《龍欽七寶藏》"
[版主回覆07/12/2011 14:28:28]聽說索達吉堪布有翻譯全部,可是尚未流通,郭元興有翻譯實相寶藏論,另有一台灣人翻譯辭義寶藏論,索達吉堪布翻譯的訣竅寶藏論後面三本都可以在網路上找到。